In Bruges (like the movie)
On a rainy day in Belgium designer Fabien Ternay picked my brain about taking the plunge, quitting a day-job and starting a business. A year later Verkor beat it’s crowd-funding goals by 300%. I still hasn’t told him I was drunk when he gave his advice and didn’t really mean it.

Fix Up, Look Sharp
The mark draws from the angular structure of mountain peaks. The name’s inspiration comes from the strength of the Vercors Massif range in France. But these are skate shoes… you know, for warehouse ramps and pavement steps and shit. There’s a nod to nature, but we aren't that literal.

Getting it Just Right
The “E” wasn’t working! We had sign-off, Fabien was thrilled, but something wasn’t right. I needed fresh eyes, so I hired New York designer Rina Miele to work on just the “E.” Five or six iterations later, it was perfect.

This is the New Economy
Smart entrepreneurs know that sustainability and social good can be at the foundation of your company but the product doesn’t need to preach. Verkor has to be a good skate shoe first - and yeah - it’s also made from recycled materials and domestically manufactured.

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