Animation Rooted in Narrative
When we work with directors and producers on title design and animation we handle their stories with care. Huntwatch didn’t need cool-stuff-that-moves. It needed design problem-solving that underlined core themes and animated sequences that added specific meaning that film footage could not.

Designing 40 Years of Media Controversy
Our design decisions had to be built out of decades of newspaper, film, television and radio assets. We chose to animate as if our camera moved like the eyes of an investigator or journalist. We worked in analogue and digital spaces simultaneously; scanning newspapers and contact sheets, capturing video screenshots and marking up frames with colored pencil.

Media Activism: 3-Levels Deep
International Fund for Animal Welfare is an organization with media at its core. Using film and video IFAW has been documenting the controversial Canadian seal hunt since 1969. This made for a perfect collaboration where our team, the film subjects and filmmakers all shared a passion for social impact through visual storytelling.

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